Services & Prices

Everything is Energy. Every thought, action, person, animal, and place has a vibrational frequency and when we are not resonating with our own innate frequency, and that of our surroundings, we become dissonant. Our naturally healthy state of frequency can become a frequency that vibrates without harmony, because past experiences, day-day events that come up or even events from past-lives; eventually creating illness or symptoms arising in our lives that let us know something is out of harmony and needs to be addressed.

Spiritual Energy Healing Sessions

Intention+ Focus+ Belief = Healing

$145/ 90 min   or $111/ 60 min

Incorporating natural modalities such as:

  • Reiki

  • Sound Healing

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

  • Crystal and Gem Therapy

  • Bach and other Flower Essences

These divine healing tools and practices, practiced for lifetimes, are more powerful than most people realize. They operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level by helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence where the healing of emotional pain and scars, limited beliefs become much easier to access.  As a result, Release of fear, grief, loneliness, depression, old stagnant emotions and beliefs are achieved and clarity and solutions Received.Coaching is also provided !

*Tools and Allies used vary per session


Work with me

Holistic Wellness -Soul:Soul Private Coaching

As a Holistic and Wellness Guide, my background in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health, I view health as an overall Holisitc system versus just through one lens. As everything is connected, we look at your lifestyle, self-talk, mental and emotional wellbeing, and your desires to express. Whether you’re working on getting physical healthier, emotionally and mentally stronger, we’ll work on it together!

This is your time to focus on you and I’ll be here to support and Guide you <3

  • $115/ hr

Cosmic Tune-Up

  • $75, 45 min. Energy Reading with Oracle + Chakra Energy Re-Harmonizing Session

    • $35, 30 min.

    • $50, 45 min.

      Energy Readings Session with Oracle

      [ask questions, this is an open dialogue between you and Spirit]

Shamanic Healing Journey’s

Sacred StarSeed Temple (The Membership): $66

Past-Life Regression, Subconscious Reprogramming +Cellular Healing   $333


Contact Us to Book Virtual or In-Person Sessions

For Bookings and Questions:

Email us at

Reserve Your Session/

Let’s Expand On Your Journey

Book 15 min. Consult

Questions to see if we’re best fit?

Email us at

Yoga & Movement Community Practices

Yoga & Movement Practice: $15 / hr practice

  • Yoga Flow

  • Buti Yoga®

  • Ashtanga Primary

Release, Rise, and Flow: $22/ 1hr

  • more mindful flow with focus being on Meditation with Sound

This is Your Divine Cosmic Journey

And you don’t have to walk it alone.


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