Your Divine Cosmic Journey Starts Here
What Is Energy Healing?

What is Energy Healing?

It is the practice of tapping into the universal energy field for information and then making shifts in the individual’s personal energy field in order to help someone heal of mental, emotional, or physical distress. Because all three of the key aspects of humanity: mind, body, and spirit, are inextricably linked, when one part gets sick,
the other two sides of that triangle also become unbalanced.

Energy healing heals the whole person, acting through the personal energy field to get at problems
under the surface of the body and the psyche.

How Can Energy Healing Help You?
-Helps relieve pain 
-Activates the body’s natural healing resources.
-Aids in recovery from surgery.
-Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy
after surgery and chemotherapy
- Removes energy blockages and adjusts the energy flow, bringing the body into balance and harmony
- Stimulates the immune system
- Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Encourages restful sleep
- Boosts your energy
- Increases vitality and postpones the aging process

There have been a lot of studies done that show the effectiveness of Energy Healing.


As a Mystic ,
Shamanic High Priestess,
Energy Healer & Mentor

I work with connection to Spirit and Energy Realms.
My passion has always been in Mystic teachings of Connecting to Divine, My Guides, Nature and my Spirit Allies around me and how thrive throughout stages of life not burnt out but Empowered;
More specifically, a lot of my work has been around my Mission around Being Your Most Embodied Self and Expressing Your Soul's Truth. And breaking the paradigms of what "societal norms" say is to be "expected."

I do this through Energy Work, working with your personal Energetic blocks, limiting beliefs i.e. Shadowwork, and Energetic tools and being Intuitively Led by Spirit. Welcome, here you'll find ways to work with me, as Shamanic receive tools stay Aligned and Recalibrated, helping navigate the month's and Season's Current Transit with the stars:

Metatron Healing $222 (60 Min)

*click image above to book

Metatron’s energy is strong and highly focused, like a laser beam. He’s very motivational, and will encourage you to overcome procrastination and to take bold steps forward. He can help you understand things like other people’s motivations for action, and why different situations occur.

Metatron helps you to release that which no longer positively serves you and can help to cut cords and attachments to items/objects and/or people.

Metatron helps to quell and ease struggles with these Earth energies, which can manifest in behaviors such as: anger, inattentiveness, agitation, acting out and rebelling, depression, substance abuse, and other destructive and negative behaviors.

Archangel Metatron comes to those during spiritual awakening and transformation, and assists during times of great inner-change. Metatron can help you to move beyond perceived limitations, and assists with developing your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Metatron Helps With:
-Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
-Chakra Clearing
- Protection
- Motivation and focus
- Stopping Procrastination
- Taking action
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Inner Child, Children issues
- Record keeping and organization-clearing and Healing Past-lives, Karmic Ties in Akashic
- Overcome addiction by making the right choices
 -Cut cords and attachments
- Release what is no longer serving you
-Realigning with your Truth
 -Spiritual evolution
-Light body activation

Incorporating other complementary alternative therapies such as Reiki if Called to by your Guides.


Who Is Archangel Metatron?

He is one of the two only humans to have ascended to the Heavens and become an Archangel. In the Bible, he was known as the prophet Enoch, Enoch, lived for 365 years.

The book of Genesis states,
“Enoch walked with God: and he was not;
for God took him.....For he [Enoch] pleased God.”

Archangel Metatron is the angel of transformation and teaches us how to use our spiritual power for good. He is the angel you call on when you are going through major life shifts. In fact, his name 
Metatron means,
" He who occupies the throne next to the Divine''.

Metatron also has a special place in his heart for children, especially those who are spiritually gifted. Archangel Metatron helps very sensitive children and adults to adjust and protect themselves from heavy and chaotic energies created on Earth. Metatron
is very concerned about children who are labeled as having Attention Deficit Disorder

(ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and he helps parents, educators, scientists, and health-care professionals find natural alternatives to psychoactive medications.

Metatron helps newly crossed-over children adjust to Heaven, and helps living children love themselves and be more focused. Metatron also helps children become spiritually aware and to accept and polish their spiritual gifts.


Cosmic Tune-Ups          $75 (45 min).

*click image above to book
Incorporating natural modalities such as:

Reiki Energy Healing + Oracle Message Guidance


Receive a quick Tune-Up and feel realigned, calm and clearer-helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration.

Energy Sessions & Spirit Guided Sessions $111(60 min)

*click title link to book, link to schedule will be sent once purchased confirmed

Incorporating natural modalities such as:

  • Reiki
  • Sound Healing
  • Subconscious Reprogramming
  • Crystal and Gem Therapy
  • Bach and other Flower Essences
  • Spiritual & Health Coaching

These divine healing tools and practices, practiced for lifetimes, are more powerful than most people realize. They operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level by helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence where the healing of emotional pain and scars, limited beliefs become much easier to access. As a result, Release of fear, grief, loneliness, depression, old stagnant emotions and beliefs are achieved and clarity and solutions Received.

*Tools and Allies used vary per session

Energy Sessions & Spirit Guided Sessions $145(90 min)

*click photo book, link to schedule will be sent once purchased confirmed

Incorporating natural modalities such as:

  • Reiki
  • Sound Healing
  • Subconscious Reprogramming
  • Crystal and Gem Therapy
  • Bach and other Flower Essences
  • Spiritual & Health Coaching

These divine healing tools and practices, practiced for lifetimes, are more powerful than most people realize. They operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level by helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence where the healing of emotional pain and scars, limited beliefs become much easier to access. As a result, Release of fear, grief, loneliness, depression, old stagnant emotions and beliefs are achieved and clarity and solutions Received.

*Tools and Allies used vary per session

Moonlit Forecast for     The Month $222

*click image/text above to book, 3 mo. option available!

✨️Helping you Navigate the cycles of life, The Elements and The Cosmos with weekly Astrological & Energy "weather" reports to help you stay in Alignment with your personal power navigating the Triggers that may come up during the Lunation ahead.


New Moon Cycle lasts for about 4 weeks, and Full Moon Cycle lasts about 2.

In a cycle, "themes" in your Astrological chart are Highlighted and give you guidance on what you will be asked to focus on and work in order to expand and grow to your next level of Expansion.


These readings include:

Personal Recording:

  • both New and Full Moon lessons to be aware of
  • Personal Ritual to Work with to ask for support and awareness during this season
  • Energy Support and practices
  • an Oracle Message


30 min: Session :

  • to ask Questions
  • Guidance



Why do I teach about observing and Connecting to The Cycles of The Moon?


The Moon takes about 28 days to go across every sign in the Zodiac, where it spends about 2-3days in each sign.

As the archetype symbol of the Divine Feminine, our emotions, Mother figure, our body, and nurturing aspect of ourselves we can work with what each sign brings up within us when the Moon shines light on them.


Within the Lunar Month, and where The Sun is in for an entire month at a time, an even deeper layer of work self-exploration and Intimacy with yourself begins to be brought to the surface under the particular "themes" the signs and Houses bring for our own Soul Growth and Journey.

In Essence, this is one of the many ways you are Activating you Cosmic Gene Codes and when you weave in Planetary Ceremonial Magic, you help move resistant Energetic blocks, karmic ties that have been stopping you and your family like from expanding their ability to Receive and Experience more out of their Sacred Timeline 🧬✨️

Sacred Starseed Temple $33-88/mo 

A monthly membership where you'll receive tools stay Aligned and Recalibrated, helping navigate the month's and Season's Current Transit with the stars:

  • New and Full Moon Sacred Ritual & Shamanic Sound Journey's
  • 1 monthly SoundHealing Meditation
  • Movement Practice
  • Monthly Circle Gatherings
  • 2 tier options

      learn to connect with and work with the Energies of The Stars through     Ceremonial and Ritual work in a way that feels Sacred and empowering!



Shamanic Journey's
Past-Life Regression Sessions



What is a Shamanic Journey?

Think of a journey as a kind of active meditation, a means of traveling deep within to gain Guidance, insight and perspectives about our lives without judgment or negativity.
Typically, journeys are accompanied by a drum or rattle-and in our StarSeed Temples we work with Spirit of Various instruments through Sound Healing Medicine– Which help support our Nervous System and shifts the brain waves from alpha to theta in order to enter a deeper layer of meditative state.


Sound Healing provokes states of deep relaxing where the healing of emotional pain and scars becomes much easier to access.
Releasing fear and grief, loneliness and depression, cleansing unwanted emotions and finding solutions to emotional issues with others, are all achieved with sound healing.

Many physical ailments, aches, pains, muscular and connective tissue problems, mobility problems, post-operative recovery, tinnitus and many more serious chronic diseases can all be cured or alleviated by sound therapy.

An Over-All Mind-Body Experience coupled with Energy Healing & Past-Life Regression, this session will go deep to root of subconscious of what's coming up for you in your current lifetime now.

  • Receive a personal healing meditation for your subconscious to rewrite old program.
  • Reserve 1hr30 min- max 2hrs for this session, once booked you will get instructions and day for session.
           Learn More
*Ask About coaching packages and how you can save more on bundles <3

Claim your Free 
Guide to Energy Healing and Begin Your Journey Today

    The Mystics Collection

My passion has always been in Mystic teachings of Connecting to Divine, My Guides, Nature and my Spirit Allies around me and how thrive throughout stages of life not burnt out but Empowered;
More specifically, a lot of my work has been around my Mission around Being Your Most Embodied Self and Expressing Your Soul's Truth.
ay. Have you been wondering how you can incorporate Magick✨️,  as a Modern Mystic and Intuitive, in your day-day life?


Enter The Mystics Collection, the hub for mystics here you'll find ways to work with me, as Shamanic practitioner, and receive tools and teachings to stay Aligned and Recalibrated to who you were meant to be and share with the world. 

Remembering the wisdom and skills you've known from lifetimes to practice now included but not limited to: 


  • Energy Work
  • Connecting with Spirit/ Spiritual World
  • Activating Your Psychic Senses and Connecting to your Intuition
  • Working with Spiritual Tools for protection, manifestation, Empowerment and Self-healing


    Begin Your Journey Today...

    Take the road less Traveled

If you're a Soulpreneur, Entrepreneur, an Intuitive or someone who is sensitive to Energies around them and want to connect to your Higher Self, Voice of Your Intuition and learn to Navigate cycles of life in an Empowered way. Have you been wondering how you can incorporate Magick✨️,  as a Modern Mystic and Intuitive, in your day-day life?


Welcome to 𝙀𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙇 my program where I teach on

🪷 the importance of tending to your Energetic Field

🪷 how to tune in and see if you're in "Not-Self" vs when Are in Flow and Alignment🪷

✨️To Connect to Your Intuition

✨️Learn All About Energetics of Boundaries needed to hold for yourself at all levels of Soul's Journey without feeling depleted or afraid to follow your Truth

✨️Expansion of Soul's Truth and Path

✨️Learn All About Energetics of Boundaries needed to hold for yourself at all levels of Soul's Journey without feeling depleted or afraid to follow your Truth

✨️Expansion of Soul's Truth and Path

✨️Activations to begin working on unraveling energetic contracts stopping you from fully accessing your Intuitive gifts and feeling safe to be seen and heard.Navigating The Ebbs and Flows of life as someone sensitive to Energy and Soul's Gifts could be overwhelming-if you let it.But it doesn't have to be.


🪷If you're someone who is a Soulpreneur, Entrepreneur and want to connect to your Higher Self, Voice of Your Intuition and learn to Navigate cycles of life in an Empowered way

❤️‍🔥Wanting to tap into your Soul's Gifts or wanting to deepen your Spiritual Connection to Spirit and Your Guides

🪷You are wanting to open up or deepen your Connection to Magick within you as Priestess, Medicine Woman SelfThis is for you!!