Get clear in what new levels of opportunities and Abundance await you in 2024,
when you work with Astrology and Seasons, Cycles in your Life

This is for The Empowered Souls...

Looking to deepen their connection with their Soul's gifts and manifestation at a Soul Level.  This is a monthly Moon gathering where we focus on different cycles of the moon, current Astrological transits and our intentions through various Energetic and Ritual Practices, in a Sacred and safe space in community.

  • Ready to activate your own power and take your manifestation practice to a deeper level 
  • Feel empowered to create the Life your Soul craves to live
  • Become confident in working with Energy work and deepening your relationship with your Intuition so you can be aware of when your Intuition speaks to you
  • Connect in community with other Beautiful Souls ready to take creative direction in their lives


Feel confident in aligning with your core values ,
attract opportunities that align with your true self


By Working with this Month's New Moon Capricorn, along with benefic Energies of Jupiter & Venus,

Have you made a decision in your life where you thought that you were investing in something you wanted but to find out near the end, maybe it didn't light you up?

Maybe you found yourself going after a career, studying for particular degree or investing in something only because that's what was "expected" or you thought you should do?

That's what happened to me when I was studying Chemistry, Biochem. The closer it came to graduating, the more I realized I didn't want to work in a lab/ do research work.

When I was supposed to fill my life with studying, I ended up teaching myself on impacts of Nutrition and Physical Activity on the body. It never occured to me I could have a career in what I had passion for because my mind was filled by pressure to "find something that makes money" or to go after a "title".

You're told that success is going to school for 4+ years and then you'll make higher income but come to find out you get offered a little more than minimum wage/ get offered less than what you asked.

You've been told you have to sacrifice your health and joy for a job/money.

These programs around Abundance, Wealth, and success are all programs designed to keep you from embodying the life you came here to live and express who you were Created to be.

Working with your Cosmic Blueprint this month, with Venus a benefic planet, of beauty, pleasure that attracts things to her (now in sign of Sagittarius Dec 29-Jan. 23rd) and New Moon in Capricorn, helps you pay attention to what part of your life is coming up for you to alchemize that has been holding you back and free yourself to actually aligning to what success actually means to you and what will work for you personally ❤️‍🔥

Opportunity to come in Community and Release blocks to what you're Calling in for 2024 as set New Year Intentions, New Moon in Capricorn. ✨️

With  Jupiter now direct, this is the opportunity to do Energy & Release work to also highlights your unseen gifts and talents the Universe has granted you.
During this period of your life, post eclipses and the last Mercury Retrograde of the year, the stars might be redirecting you toward a much better path. Now is the time to take action with energy of support .

Timing is Everything.

To support the Quantum shifts happening in 2024.
 that you can be in your magnetic energy and powerfully draw to you, your desires and passions while preparing for the end of the year.

 Your perseverance has brought you this far and by working with Jupiter direct, it's Energy will help unlock new opportunities that perfectly align with your ideal lifestyle and your sense of worth.
Cultivate the confidence and positivity
to reach new heights and achieve your goals during this time. 

There are a lot of changes happening that you've already been planning.
Get ready to take inspired action to bring your vision to life.

                                                The Work Starts Now

It's not about working "harder", it's about everything you're not- the programs and beliefs that have been running your life to live by level of standards that were never aligned to your Truth.

Choose to stay in the same karmic cycles and habits holding you back or choose to move ahead in Alignment to Version of who you are becoming.
The more you release old stories of limitations through Energy work and Subconscious Reprogramming, the more actions toward your Destiny you're able to make from an Empowered place.


Why Now?

While the things meant for you will never really miss you. Everyone has free will.
When it comes to working with becoming Conscious Creator of your life, many people who practice manifestation work stop at just affirmations, journaling and imagining what they desire. 
But all of this just deals with surface level of conscious mind.

What most people don't remember is that you're a multidimensional being. And multi-dimensionality requires a deeper level of work that goes beyond the mind and accesses deeper states of Being
(5D, Energetic and Spiritual realms).

This is why we enter into Sacred Ceremony and Ritual.
Here you're working with Energies of planets, stars and other Allies in Energetic, Spiritual Realms that help you do the work in the quantum that your mind and body are limited to in the 3D and physical world.

And when you begin to consciously and intentionally work with the cycles and rhythms of Astrological transits occuring, you are priming yourself to be ready for what already is meant to be yours by moving in tandem with what is versus subconsciously holding yourself back from what you desire.

This is Quantum Manifesting

You are empowered to make the change needed in your life and desire that deeper connection with yourself, The Universe and live in more synchronistic experience.
If you're ready to stop allowing resistances in subconscious and past karma to slow you down from making aligned decisions in your business, dreams and goal. 

  • Learn to navigate what energy and themes are expressed during this full moon

  • understand what astrological zodiac signs being activated means

  • reconnect to the rhythms and cycles of the moon and astrology and how they can help you navigate your life

  • Learn to properly work with Ritual and creating an altar in a safe way that is powerful and healing

  • learn to heal and manifest with the moon’s energy

  • tap into your magick as a modern mystic, inner witch, and Healer

    The Time is Now

    Don't wait another 6-12 months on making the change when you could today...

By Donation Ritual Event

This event is by donation, feel free to give what is resonating with you to give. 
May the time and investment you give return 
(at checkout will see various suggestions or feel free to enter your own-please don't leave it at zero thank you!)
  •  Saturday, January 13th, 7 pm EST
  • dress comfortably, make space for 90 min
  • Emails regarding the event will be sent 3-5 days prior to prepare the material needed for ceremony and ritual once subscribed and spot reserved with donation. 
  • If you live over seas, outside of EST, recordings will be sent within 24 hrs. to watch comfortably in your own time-no need to worry, the work done will be just as effective and potent as if you were there live with us <3



Learn more about working with me.